Better questions = Better results

It starts in the morning with questions like what shall I wear, what’s for breakfast … and then it may be what do I need to do today, how will I respond to that email, what are the next steps. Lunch becomes what do I feel like today, what errand shall I do first, why did I just eat that chocolate donut. You get the picture!

Everyone, every day, is living their lives through the questions they have in their head. Why is this so important? Well, it was Tony Robbins, personal development guru, who said:

‘Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions and as a result, they get better answers.’ Anthony Robbins

Asking great questions has the ability to dramatically transform your results. If you are not getting the results you want, both personally and professionally, then this is a ‘must have’ skill for you to start focusing on.

So, what is an example of a better question? Great question! They have three main qualities:

  1. They change your focus and therefore impact directly on how you (or others) feel.
  2. They allow you to choose something positive to think about instead of dwelling on negatives.
  3. They open up new avenues to previously untapped resources.

Importantly, great questions mean a person doesn’t feel defensive, or picked on, or like there is something wrong with them. They feel validated, connected and a part of the process. This is key to getting great results.

Try a new question today.

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