How your mind plays tricks on you

Imagine you’re late for a job interview.  Your interview. Everyone is waiting for you …

And you have forgotten to charge your phone.  It’s dead and you’re in an unfamiliar location.

As you make your way down what you hope is the right street, it starts to rain. There goes your chance of making a good impression.

Your heart is racing … Your breathing shallows… Your sweating …

And as your mind starts to wander you question – what if I don’t make it in time? – will they reject me outright? Is my chance ruined because I forgot to charge my phone?!


Your reptile brain is responsible for any anxiety and panic you’re feeling. It is responsible for basic instincts –it’s fight or flight.

And it hates you taking risks. Then there are its allies. The right pre-frontal cortex is responsible for visualization and it is having a field day.  When these two parts of the brain team up, they make negative visualizations that often convince us not take action, because of the bad things that could happen.

You won’t even know what you’re missing out on.  But you are missing out. Of course, now you know it might be time to ask some new positive questions that change the images … and change the outcome.

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