Most of us are not good at not knowing. We like sure things and guarantees. And within the brain, a sense of uncertainty about the future creates generates a strong threat or ‘alert’ response in your limbic system. Your brain detects something is wrong, and your ability to focus on other issues diminishes.
This is a powerful insight as you work with clients and other stakeholders. As they work with you on a new project or as you try to move them from where they are now to where they need to be, they are experiencing uncertainty, concern and instability at some level.
So as you begin to work with them, remember that your core focus is simple: take them from this uncertainty and into a feeling of certainty that you will be there to support them to make the right decision.
Knowing that there is going to be more certainty by working with you, means and increase in trust and commitment in what you can offer.
And what happens if you can not offer that certainty. Make no mistake, they will meet this need somehow.
It could mean another trusted advisor such as a lawyer, a health professional or consultant depending on your field of work. It could mean getting certainty by believing in themselves to get where they want to be, or it could mean certainty by standing their ground and taking no action whatsoever.
Offer certainty and be an example of certainty and see your influence grow.